Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cats don't wear dresses!

And the older generation shall teach the younger generation...

When I was a little girl I spent hours dressing my kittens and puppies in doll dresses. On Sunday, Mom told me where the dresses were and to show my niece how to dress the cat. The time had come for her to know. I picked out my favorite dress and started in on Count Rugen. While I worked at getting his freakish six toes through the narrow sleeves, my niece told me repeatedly that "Cats don't wear dresses!" And in between bites, Rugen voiced his agreement with her. Finally the deed was done. My niece didn't seem too impressed. Rugen laid around for a little while, and then the dress came off again. But that doesn't mean that the Count wasn't tormented by other means the rest of the evening! Poor cat.


Bag Blog said...

Sadie our border collie had the prettiet red dress with little panties and a hole cut for her tail. Our cat, Llora (yoda), let Jesse dress it in baby pajamas and then it would just lay in her arms like a baby. Cats in dresses can be very entertaining.

Junk Diva said...

He looked happy to me!

Inquiries said...

Rugen is cute in a dress!

The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

You were much nicer to your cats than i was at a young age...much nicer.