These were taken right after we landed, rode the train into Paris, and came out of Gare
Nord. We studied that map for a long time and walked around tell we could find a street sign to even tell what direction we needed to head towards to get to our hotel. Just looking at these pictures brings back that lost feeling along with feelings of excitement, exhaustion, being overwhelmed, and...a little disappointed. Gare
Nord is not in the prettiest part of town. I was secretly wondering if we had made a mistake in coming to Paris.
Buuuut, after some rest, food, and meeting up with Catherine and Craig, and encountering friendly people, we enjoyed Paris. You know what they say about first impressions...actually I don't really know what they say.
That's also the first shot of that look on my face. You know, the one where I'm positive I've just about figured out how to take us in the wrong direction!
Hi Jesse... I've been neglectful of my blog reads and have just started trying to catch up with everyone. I really enjoyed looking back over the last couple of months of posts here... especially love your photos...
It's good to see you enjoying life and I'll try to get back around sooner than later next time!
Lol! We did go the wrong direction after that! But, we had to figure out what street we were on. It was a little more complicated than the zoo map ;)
Thanks Fire Fox! It's good seeing you around again!
Holee KREP! I've eaten in that very same café! The trains from London terminate at the Gare du Nord, and on our first trip to Paris TSMP and I went for a semi-late-night bite at that café.
Brief digression: At the café. TSMP took our seats and waited for the waiter to come to our table. And waited. And waited. So, I went up to the bar and ordered a couple of beers and brought 'em back to the table, at which time the waiter mysteriously appeared. We had a brief exchange, all in French, and he walked away. TSMP inquired enthusiastically "What'd he say? What'd he say?" To which I responded...
Waiter: "Where did you get your drinks?"
Me: "At the bar."
Waiter: "If you bought 'em at the bar, DRINK 'em at the bar."
TSMP: "Why, that SOB!"
Fortunately that guy wasn't the ONLY waiter in the place and we were well-served a few minutes later.
Yeah, it's right across the street from Nord. That's crazy that you recognized it just from those two pictures! I did notice that Parisian waiters were a little on the anal side - they would tell us where we could sit, and what and when we could order.
That's crazy that you recognized it just from those two pictures!
Well, there ain't much choice in the neighborhood, unless things have changed radically in the last 20 years. Which I sorta doubt... the pace of change is slow in metro Paris from what I saw in my return. I'm comparing the 50s to the 80s when I say that.
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