Our land is split in two by a large pond - this side and that side. I was trying to go to that side for some sweet trail riding, but the only way to get there is through the *doom voice* dreaded spillway. I didn't quite make it - my bike flopped over to the right. The throttle was lodged in the mud. I hit the kill switch, and pushed/wrestled/pulled the bike back up. I started it again, and accidentally killed it - again. All this was more than my little battery could take, and it just completely pooped out on me. Sooo, I started the long walk of shame back to the house. Dad came and helped me pull/wrestle/push my bike through the mud back up to this side, and jump the battery with the truck. Ride on!
This is actually the second time this has happened. My Dad's a great sport to help pull my dead bike out of the mud TWO times!
He is a good sport when it comes to his baby girl.
I was waiting for the, "This is my bike on mud."
I had the skinny-tired version of your bike and I loved it. It was much better off-road than on, though.
Hey JB...maybe next time you should try THIS way instead of THAT way, since THAT way got you THIS way THAT many times. Perhaps THIS way only looks worse than THAT way and actually could become better than THAT way if THIS way wasn't THAT way anymore. Is this clear as mud, that seems something you're quite familiar with...
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