Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Apparently, you cannot fire low-firing clays with high-firing glazes at high firing temperatures.

Who knew? Actually, a little voice inside my head said, "This ain't gonna work." And looking back, I think the guy at the supply house knew. When we bought high-firing glazes he sent us home with the appropriate clay. By mistake, I later bought the wrong clay. Not only did the glazing turn out poorly, but they all cracked as well. Bummer, huh? I had been very excited about these three pieces. Ah well, I'll try them again.


Buck said...

Ah, well. It's a learning process, innit? The pics turned out very nice, tho. Both in this post and the one above.

Bag Blog said...

I remember your mother saying something about the firing...

Jesse Baggett said...

Buck, it is a learning process. Instead of saying "I think..." I'll be all "I KNOW!".

I don't remember you saying anything, Mom. Maybe in a dream you said it... ;)