Monday, April 13, 2009


My brother and I with our grandmas (and my niece too)

We call both our grandmothers, Grandma. On Saturday we celebrated Grandma's (Dad's side) birthday. Grandma (Mom's side) also joined in the festivities. It's not very often that we have both our grandmas together. It was fun... and somewhat confusing.


Bag Blog said...

So many grandmas; so little time! Toby and his mom sure look a like. Did you notice that it looks like you included a photo of my arm coming out of the cake and into Lizzie's head?

Buck said...

The top photo is worthy of a Saturday Evening Post cover... which is to say "Rockwell-esque."

inpassing said...

Wish I could see your collage better on my blackberry. I'd love to get a glimpse of my little sweeties (the GGs)!!

Jesse Baggett said...

Yeah Mom, I included you in the collage, lol.

Buck, I always liked Rockwell's art because it's usually sweet and happy. That top photo made me really thankful for my sweet, happy family!

Inpassing, sometimes I wonder if people get sick of GG pictures, but you and Mom never seem to grow tired of them! Those girls are just so stinkin'cute!