Friday, October 21, 2011

Sketchbook - Night, Noon, and Morning

This is my final concept drawing - we have to incorporate morning, noon, and night into one painting of an organic object. I'll post the final product when I get there. Does it seem backwards? The sun rises in the east (right) and sets in the west (left). I'm also going to include background color.


Buck said...

The sun rises in the east (right) and sets in the west (left).

That depends entirely on your spatial orientation, right? The sun sets to my right when I'm sitting on my south-facing verandah...

Bo said...

I thought this was a 'Don't ask, Don't Tell' site as far as spatial orientation.

Jesse Baggett said...

You're right, Buck, but my painting just seems backwards. Oh well, I'm not changing it now!

You so funny, Bo. It took me a little while to get your joke. At first I thought you were just being weird, but then I knew you didn't usually comment unless you had something exceptionally clever to say.