As many of you already know, my best friend in the whole wide world is getting married, and it’s really been hitting me hard lately! It feels like a hole in my heart. I’m the kind of person that when my dog dies, I go out the next day and buy a puppy to fill the void. But this hasn’t been such an easy fix for me. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been desperately searching for something to fill this emptiness. I’ve been slamming the easy button hoping something will appear quickly. A knight in shining armor flying me away in his jet plane would be especially nice ;) Maybe I could go to
architecture school (You have to say a
rchitecture school like Mama Belle with her southern drawl.) Or maybe I could find a nice fitting backpack and hoof it across Europe. But I don’t think the Lord in His wisdom is going to let me have these things right now. I think I’m being required to learn something. Yesterday, I thought about something that Paul wrote in Philippians about learning the secret of both having abundance and suffering need. And I thought about Job and
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. I think I need to learn this secret of how to bless the Lord even after He takes away…and still have my joy made full, and life abundantly, and peace that surpasses all comprehension. I think this will be a good secret to possess – I’m actually kind of excited about it.
You keep searching the Lord out and He won't disappoint. I'll be praying that He shows you great things. Just remember to "seek Him first...and ALL THESE THINGS will be added unto you". Love ya'...
Dunno if you saw it or not, Jess, but I dropped a note on this subject over at your Mom's place. I watched The Second Mrs. Pennington go thru this sort of thing with her friends, and it was danged hard on all concerned, made especially difficult because I was in the AF and proceeded to drag TSMP all over the world after we were married. But the friendships survived, thrived even.
From what little I know it appears Lindsay doesn't have plans to leave the area... so you'll still be in close proximity. This is a good thing and a place to begin counting your blessings, perhaps.
Thank you for your prayer and encouragement, Patty! Love you, too.
What are you saying, Buck? Start counting my blessings rather than all this belly-aching? I guess that MIGHT work ;)
Thanks, you guys!
This season is going to be rich, rich for you Jes! You will never regret your choice to trust God. Love ya!
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